Minimal Invasive Lipoma Removal with Liposuction

Lipomas are the most common benign tumor of the soft tissue, often presenting as soft subcutaneous masses. These mass lesions are often removed if they become symptomatic, grow fast or for cosmetic reasons. The large majority of lipomas appear as small, single mass lesions that are usually removed by surgical excision.

However, surgical removal of large lipomas may result in significant scarring. The minimally invasive removal of large lipomas with Liposuction technologies is a new method to excise the lipoma without scarring.

Under tumescent local anesthesia, liposuction is performed with new lipo technologies, such as Vaser or laser. There is a small puncture wound in the skin, but no big incision. This technique is a minimally invasive and effective method of lipoma removal, resulting in an excellent cosmetic outcome.

History of Varicose Vein Surgery Part 2 | Minnesota

The University of Cordoba in the Arabs produced one of the most famous surgeons. He was known to the western culture as Albucasis (930 AD to 1313 AD). He became a prominent surgeon during that era. He was appointed as the Court-Physician of King Abdel-Rahman III. Besides his practice of medicine he also did a lot of medical and surgical writings.

He wrote thirty volumes of a digest of vast medical knowledge called Tasrif. He is also known for writing the best medieval surgical encyclopedia on record. It dealt with all aspects of surgery and was the first textbook of surgery to include illustrations of instruments to be used in surgery. It became very famous as it was the standard textbook of surgery used up to the 17th century in prestigious western universities. His medical and surgical expertise was evident in his writings of exact details of clinical and surgical procedures. His writings described the binding of the arteries long before any other physicians. His descriptions of varicose vein stripping are almost like our modern day surgeries for the veins.

The progress of medical science and surgery stalled for about 350 years after 13th century when barber surgeons routinely performed surgeries. In 16th century, the ligation at the site of the varix became the preferred varicose vein surgery. A century later, the combination of bleeding, diet and application of bandages to the legs was recommended by a German surgeon, Lorenz Heister, to avoid varicose vein surgery.

In the mid 1600’s intravenous drugs were first introduced. Opium was put into the vein of a dog using a metal tube and was successful. The hypodermic syringe did not appear until 1851. The introduction of anesthesia and antiseptics, delivered by the hypodermic syringe, brought about great changes in the treatment of varicose veins. In the 1850’s injections really took off and the treatment of veins by injection was becoming popular. The injections were either perchloride of iron or iodine. The perchloride of iron seemed to cause inflammation and swelling. In order to help correct this, the use of compression was advised in order to prevent dilation of the veins. In 1894, due to the high numbers of complications from this treatment, treating varicose veins by injection was abandoned.

History of Varicose Vein Surgery, Part 1 | Minnesota

The Origin of the word varicose comes from the Greek word, “grapelike”. It was thought to be first used as a medical description by Hippocrates in 460 BC. For over 2000 years mankind has suffered from varicose veins and has been experimenting with many ways to treat the medical problem. For many people it is also a cosmetic issue. Below is a summary of the history of varicose vein treatments and how they evolved through the years in different parts of the world.

The ancient Egyptians described varicose veins as ‘Serpentine Windings’ which were not to be surgically worked on because patients would be ‘head to the ground’. This was the first written account describing a failed attempt at surgery on varicose veins implying that the use of incisions lead to fatal hemorrhaging.

Hippocrates wrote some of the earliest medical descriptions of varicose veins. The Hippocratic Treatises, written in 460 BC took Varicose Vein treatments one step farther. He did not recommend excision but rather compression following multiple punctures. He also believed in cautery. Paulus Aegineta (AD 625-690) favored ligation of the long saphenous vein 200 years before Trendelenberg.

In a medical treatise De Medicina, a Roman physician named Celcus (25 BC – AD 14) described the ligation and excision surgeries, as well as possible complications. Galen (AD 131 – 201), also provided a description of varicose veins and promoted the use of severing the connection of the arteries to veins in order to reduce pain and avoid spreading gangrene. Celsus and Galen were possibly the first to describe ‘phlebectomies‘, a technique still used today. Celsus made multiple incisions 4 fingerbreadths apart, then touched the vein with cautery, grasped it and extracted as much of the vein as possible, double damping and dividing the vein between ligatures. Galen described making 3-6 incisions with a hook and then bandaging the leg. Roman surgeons used to carry scalpels with blunt handles that could be used for dissecting varicose veins, a procedure that was done without any form of anesthetic.

The Roman Caius Marius, who was known as a tyrant, had the varicose vein surgery of his time. After treatment on one leg he declined surgery on the other leg saying ‘I see the cure is not worth the pain’. Obviously having this surgery without anesthetic was not comfortable by any means for the patient.

Oribasius of Pergamum ( 325-405), a Byzantine physician, devoted 3 chapters of text to varicose veins. He described the details of the surgery for varicose veins of the legs included shaving and bathing the leg, followed by marking with small incisions and excising the varicose veins with 1 or 2 hooks along the leg through the small incision.

One Stop Care of Varicose Veins in Minnesota

Chronic venous disease of the legs is one of the most common conditions affecting people in Minneapolis and St Paul areas. Approximately half of the Minnesota population has venous disease. Of these, 20 to 25% of the women and 10 to 15% of men will have visible varicose veins.

It has been known that varicose veins are caused by weakening of the veins and valves in the legs. When the valves in the veins do not properly keep blood flowing from the legs up to the heart, blood begins to collect in the legs resulting in the buildup of pressure. The veins become enlarged and knotted and are visible near the surface of the skin.

Varicose veins typically appear in the feet, ankles and throughout the legs. They can cause pain, swelling, heaviness, itching and cramps. Most cases in Minnesota do not require immediate medical treatment unless there are serious complications associated with the veins.

Although most cases do not cause discomfort or warrant immediate concern, many people in Minneapolis and St Paul areas are bothered by the unsightly appearance of varicose veins. There are three effective treatment options for varicose veins.

Sclerotherapy is a procedure that uses tiny needles to inject the veins with a chemical sclerant to harden the veins and help them fade away. The treatment lasts about 15 minutes in length and is performed every four weeks. Some patients see satisfactory results within one treatment while others with more severe cases may benefit from more sessions.

Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) uses a laser fiber to insert through the skin directly into the vein. The laser heats up the lining of the vein causing it to shrink and fade away. This procedure is more commonly used on larger varicose veins and treatment can take less than an hour to perform.

A procedure called a mini phlebectomy may be used in conjunction with other therapies to treat large, bulging varicose veins. Tiny incisions are made into the skin and superficial veins are removed using vein hooks. It is performed under local anesthesia so pain is minimal.

Varicose Veins Can be Quite Painful- Know the Symptoms and Treatment Options in Minneapolis

Varicose veins is a condition that affects both men and women. Understanding what causes them and what types of treatments are available will assist you in making the best decision.

Varicose veins develop when valves that control the flow of blood suddenly become weak and stop functioning normally. This causes the veins to bulge and take on a gnarled appearance. As the condition worsens it can cause chronic swelling and pain. Cramping during the night is a common symptom. In most people, they will develop this problem in the leg area. Although, it can appear in other parts of the body as well.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in Minneapolis

There are three good options for varicose vein treatment in Minnesota.

Endovenous Laser Ablation (ELA)

A treatment that is often used successfully to eliminate varicose veins is ELA. This is a minimally invasive method that involves inserting a laser fiber or catheter into the affected blood vessel. Once inserted, the fiber is heated. This heat causes the vein to collapse. Eventually, the vein disappears altogether.


Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves injecting a special solution directly into the targeted vein. After several treatments the vein shrinks away. This has proven to work very well on spider veins.


During micro-phlebectomy the doctor makes tiny micro-incisions into the veins with a special tool. A portion of the vein is removed. This may be done along with other treatments.

When looking for the best treatment for varicose vein in St. Paul, Minnesota seek out a medical professional with a proven record of success. All three of these treatments require skill and proper training. ELA and Sclerotherapy are minimally invasive and do not cause much discomfort. Micro-phlebectomy requires the use of local anesthesia.

You can relieve your suffering from varicose veins and begin enjoying life again.

Varicose Veins: The Basics on This Painful Condition and How Shu Procedure Clinic in Minneapolis Can Help

Varicose veins are tiny, visible veins that come in shades of blue, purple and red. We have these veins our whole lives, but certain risk factors can cause the veins to grow in size, thickness, darkness or to even pile up with blood. Numerous theories about the veins also referred to as “spider veins” float around about why these veins begin to appear the way they do on our bodies, and some of the theories include natural causes that we have no control over. However, if the veins aren’t too severe there are treatment options available for varicose veins in Minneapolis to remove or reduce their appearance.

Natural causes
A family history of annoying and obvious spider veins could contribute to one’s chances of dealing with them, as defected or weak vein walls are genetic. When this happens, the blood flows in a different direction which puts pressure on the veins and causes them to grow or turn to a darker color.

We also can’t control how we age, which plays a big contributing factor in varicose veins. The problem is worse in women than men, but one in four adults deals with these spider veins appearing more than they’d like. The veins usually become apparent in adults from 35 to 60 years old, but teenagers have also been affected. Hormonal changes and skin injuries can also contribute to the development of spider veins.

Contributing factors
Other factors include sitting or standing for long periods of time each day, as this reduces the blood flow and causes the blood to pool in our legs. Other causes suspected include obesity and pregnancy, as more pressure is put on their legs when standing. Pregnant women also have more blood in their body to add additional pressure, and hormones can add to the mix. Tight clothing such as pantyhose, girdles and leggings also play a role in the development of varicose veins.

Varicose vein treatment in Minnesota includes sclerotherapy, which is when the veins are injected with chemicals to inflame their vessels, causing their lining to harden and fade away as scar tissue. Slcerotherapy doesn’t prevent future varicose veins from appearing. The simple procedure takes four to six weeks to show real results.

If you have questions about how to deal with varicose veins in St. Paul, schedule a consultation with a varicose vein specialist today to see if treatment in Minnesota is right for you.

There is Help for Minneapolis Men and Women Suffering from Varicose Veins

Varicose veins affect more women than men. In fact, it is estimated that 25 percent of women in the United States have varicose veins. Pregnancy and obesity are two things that can put people at risk for developing a varicose vein in St. Paul. People who stand for a long time may also be at an increased risk for developing varicose veins. Furthermore, patients who have thrombophlebitis are more likely to develop varicose veins. Thrombophlebitis is a condition that occurs when a blood clot develops in one or more veins.

Swollen, visible veins are the most common sign of varicose veins. People may also notice a heavy feeling in their legs. Additionally, varicose veins can be painful.

Varicose veins have a tendency to get worse. The good news is that there is varicose vein treatment in Minnesota available. Endovenous laser ablation is one of the treatment options that is available for people who have varicose veins. This procedure involves using laser energy to seal a varicose vein shut. It typically takes about an hour to complete and is performed under local anesthesia.

Sclerotherapy is another treatment that can remove varicose veins. This procedure involves injecting a sclerosant into the veins. The scleroscant causes the inner lining of the vein to become irritated. This causes the veins to close. No anesthesia is needed and one treatment can be completed in 15 minutes. Patients typically have to get four treatments.

Varicose veins can also be treated with mini-phlebotomy. Mini-phlebotomy involves making small incisions and removing the varicose veins. It is performed under local anesthesia. Patients can return to their normal activities after this procedure, but they will need to wear compression stockings for two or three weeks after their procedure.

Have Embarrassing Nail Fungus in Minneapolis Area? Come to Shu Procedure Clinic for Treatment!

Nail fungus can cause nails to become cracked, brittle and dry. The nail can become discolored with a yellow, brown or black coloring. Fungus of the nails is embarrassing, but that should not stop someone from being treated for it. Oftentimes, fungus can collect under the nail and you might notice a bad odor.

Many people try to self-diagnose nail fungus, but seeing a professional like Dr. Shu in Minneapolis at Shu Procedure Clinic for nail fungus treatment in is important. There are doctors available who treat nail fungus in Minneapolis, as well as doctors who treat nail fungus in St. Paul area. The doctor will inspect the nail, and if they feel there is an infection with fungus, tests are performed. The tests will show which fungus is present allowing the physician to treat it properly.

Oral medications are prescribed by your doctor, which are taken for approximately 12 weeks. Often, a patient who has nail fungus is also given a prescription of polish that is applied to the nail that is infected for approximately 50 weeks. Your physician will decide which prescriptions will work best for you.

There are also over-the-counter medications that are often used, but the effectiveness of those is not yet proven. You could end up spending too much time, effort and money on something that will not work in the long run, and in the end, you will end up calling your physician anyway.

There are also home remedies that can be tried as well. These vary all the way from Listerine to vinegar. Some people say they work wonders, and some do not have any positive results from these. Some of the remedies may work for one person, but not the next. Trying some of these is up to you.

One of the steps taken to prevent nail fungus is keeping the feet and hands dry. Fungus can get into your body through tiny openings or cuts near the nail. Always wear sandals or shoes around swimming pools, lockers or restrooms to avoid getting a fungal infection from someone else infected. Dry your feet often, because fungi is attracted to moist, wet areas as well as dark places. If you are someone who is susceptible to fungal infections, change your socks on a daily basis.

History of Vasectomy Part 2 | Minneapolis

In 1890 vasectomy is suggested as an alternative to castration by Ewing Mears for the treatment of severe symptoms of enlarged prostate glands. Then in 1899 Ochsner (future professor of Surgery at the University of Illinois) publishes his paper “Surgical treatment of habitual criminals”, which kick-starts the Eugenics movement. The Eugenics movement uses science to reform and control nature and human society. It stems from the idea of survival of the fittest.

In 1900, Harrison publishes a paper based on over 100 cases where Vasectomy was the primary procedure for the removal of bladder stones. Claims of rapid and substantial improvement with minimal morbidity led to the treatment being fashionable for a short time for management of enlarged prostate. Wood publishes a case study of 193 patients undergoing vasectomy as treatment for enlarged prostate. 15% had improved urination, but 67% manifested some “General improvement”.

In 1902, Bilateral Vasectomy was first established to be effective in reducing the incidence of epididymitis after prostatectomy. The medical profession had sought hard to find an alternative to the existing practice of castration for enlarged prostate, and it was established by White that vasectomy was an effective treatment. One of the reasons an alternative was sought is because of the reputed case whereby a disgruntled patient murdered a surgeon! Vasectomy remained in common use as a cure for post-prostate surgery until antibiotics were common place.

In 1907, Parlovechoi first attempted to reverse an accidental vasectomy that occurred in a hernia operation. Later authors describe the technique under the names of Vasorraphy or vasovasal anastomis.

During 1907-1910 Vasectomy is recommended to be used to sterilize “the undesirables” of the world. Belfield publishes his paper “Race suicide for social parasites”. He was one of the proponents of enforced vasectomy for criminals. This is where the Eugenics movement comes into play. In 1910 Russia sent a delegate to the United States to observe a male prisoner being sterilized.

What to Do if You Have Painful Varicose Veins in Minneapolis and St. Paul

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins. The veins are the blood vessels that are responsible for returning blood to the heart. A varicose vein develops when some of the blood stays inside of the veins. Varicose veins can be very uncomfortable.
If the valves in the veins are defective, then a person could develop varicose veins. Pregnancy and obesity can also put a person at risk for developing varicose veins. It is important to note that painful varicose veins are more common in women than in men.

A feeling of fullness in the legs and swollen, visible veins are some of the main symptoms of varicose veins. Patients who have a severe case of varicose veins may develop skin ulcers near their ankles.
Varicose veins can be quite bothersome, but fortunately, there are things that can be done to treat them. Sclerotherapy is one of the many treatment options available for varicose veins. This procedure involves injecting a solution into the vein. This solution causes the varicose vein to collapse. The treated veins will completely fade within a few weeks.

Endovenous laser ablation is another treatment option for varicose veins. This procedure involves inserting a laser fiber into the vein. The heat from the laser causes the vein to shrink and eventually disappear.

Additionally, people have the option of getting micro-phlebotomy. This treatment involves making tiny incisions in order to remove the varicose veins in Minneapolis. The patient will be given a local anesthetic prior to this procedure. Because the incisions are so tiny, the doctor will not have to use sutures to close them.