The Treatment of Mole Lesions | Minnesota

As an office proceduralist and cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Shu has been performing skin lesion and mole removal in the past twenty years, and he has vast experience in facial mole removal. Treatment of a mole lesion on the leg or arm is one thing; but on the face, it is an entirely different situation. Cosmetic result of a facial skin procedure sets a higher expectation than medical result. The patients often feel that they are in better hands with a n experienced cosmetic surgeon.

A mole is a general term for a pigmented spot or raised lesion on your skin, and it could be benign growth or skin cancer. A large lesion (more than a centimeter) or progressive growth over time cause more concerns both medically and cosmetically.

A mole lesion is generally treated with shaving or excisional biopsy.

Shave Excision is a common office procedure used to partially or completely remove skin growths for both diagnostic biopsy and treatment purposes and is done by shaving lesions off the skin without penetrating beneath the skin. It is simpler and less expensive than a full-thickness excisional biopsy. Shave biopsies do not require stitches and produce a less noticeable scar. Also, infections are uncommon.

Under the local anesthesia, the skin lesion is shaved with razor blade first, the radio frequency device is used to remove any remaining tumor cells from the base of the wound, while smoothing the wound edges and also improves the final scar appearance. The specimen is sent to the pathological lab for the examination.

Simple surgical excision is the most common method used to treat larger moles and skin cancer lesions. The procedure involves surgically removing the lesion with certain margin (amount of normal skin surrounding it) under local anesthesia. The wound needs to be closed with suturing.

The specimen is often sent to the laboratory for histological analysis to rule out malignancy. The skin cancers on the face, large skin cancers or malignant melanomas may require the excision with plastic flap closure.

Scarring Concerns

Shaving procedure usually causes shallow round scar, and surgical fusiform excision will result in a linear scar. The scar length is always longer than the length of the lesion itself, in order to close it without “dog ears” (skin bunches) at the ends of the wound. The scar improves and become more acceptable with time goes after tissue remodeling process finishes.

An unfavorable scar that occurs from a mole or lesion treatment is related to many factors, which we will talk about it in the next blog.

What is Sebaceous Cyst? | Minnesota

Sebaceous cyst (Epidermoid cyst)


Sebaceous cysts are common benign cysts of the skin.They are small bumps that develop just beneath the skin on your face, neck, trunk and sometimes your genital area. They are slow-growing and often painless. Sebaceous cysts are almost always noncancerous, but in rare cases, they can give rise to skin cancers.

Sebaceous cysts:

  • Are round cysts or small bumps that are that are attach to the skin.
  • Are usually white or yellow, though people with darker skin may have pigmented cysts
  • Range in size from less than 1/4 inch to nearly 2 inches in diameter
  • May have a central opening that’s plugged by a tiny blackhead.
  • Occur on nearly any part of your body, including your fingernails, but are found most often on your face, trunk and neck.
  • Infection can occasionally occur, include thick, yellow material draining from the cyst that may have a foul odor and redness, swelling and tenderness around the cyst.


Sebaceous cysts form out of your sebaceous gland under skin. The sebaceous gland produces the oil called sebum that coats and lubricates your hair and skin. Cysts can develop if the gland or its duct, the passage where oil is able to leave, becomes damaged or blocked. This usually occurs due to a small trauma to skin.The small trauma may be a scratch or a skin condition, such as acne. Sebaceous cysts grow slowly, so the trauma may have occurred months before you notice the cyst.

Other causes of a sebaceous cyst may include:

a misshapen or deformed duct
damage to the cells during a surgery
genetic conditions, such as Gardner’s syndrome or basal cell nevus syndrome


The common complications include inflammation, rupture, and infection. In rare cases, sebaceous cysts can give rise to basal and squamous cell skin cancers. Because this occurs so seldom, Sebaceous cysts usually aren’t biopsied.

Treatments and drugs

Small cysts that don’t cause cosmetic or functional problems are usually left alone. When a cyst is inflamed, gets bigger, ruptured or infected, these treatment options exist:

Incision and drainage: your doctor makes a small cut in the cyst and expresses the contents. Although incision and drainage is relatively quick and easy, cysts often recur after this treatment.

Total excision: The surgical excision removes the entire cyst and so prevents recurrence. Total excision requires sutures.

Minimal excision: Your doctor makes a tiny incision in the cyst, expresses the contents, and then removes the cyst wall through the incision. The small wound is usually left to heal naturally.

Easy Vasectomy Receives Trademark from U.S. Patent and Trademark Office | Minneapolis & St Paul

Office proceduralist in Minnesota, Dr. Steven Shu, obtains a registered trademark from the United States PTO, for his Easy VasectomyⓇ, a minimal invasive office procedure with no scalpel, no needle and no stitches techniques.

The introduction of Easy VasectomyⓇ has successfully allayed many men’s fears with regard to the scalpel and needle. It is safer, less invasive, and has fewer complications and quick recovery. Under local anesthesia, only a tiny puncture is made at the midline of the scrotum skin. It can be done in less than 10 minutes.

Easy VasectomyⓇ Service in One Stop Medical Center
One Stop Medical Center developed a powerful website,, with rich information on vasectomy and vasectomy reversal. All patients are required to review the important vasectomy information and watch a consultation video. A separate initial consultation is no longer required, and Dr. Shu will finalize the consultation on the same day of the surgery, so the patients don’t need another trip for the initial consultation. Moreover, the patients are able to register their vasectomy procedures by filling out the online registration form in the website.

One Stop Medical Center developed a mailer system to eliminate another trip for patients. Patients who live far away may simply mail the specimen to the clinic instead of bringing it personally. Therefore, most patients are able to have a vasectomy done in just one trip to our clinic instead of three.

In order to reduce the financial burden for our vasectomy patients, the price of no scalpel vasectomy was cut in half. This way, more men can afford to have their vasectomy done.

One Stop Medical Center has simplified the vasectomy care system to create a more affordable, friendly and convenient vasectomy care system.

Factors Affecting the Pregnancy in Vasectomy Reversal Procedures | Minnesota

Sperm recovery is the first goal in the success of a vasectomy reversal procedure. We all know the ultimate measure of success in vasectomy reversal procedure is a pregnancy. There are several factors affecting pregnancy in vasectomy reversal procedures, and these factors are outlined here.

1. A pregnancy involves male and female partners. If both of the count and quality of sperm after vasectomy reversal surgery are good, female fertility factors may play an indirect role in pregnancy failure.

A woman’s age affects her fertility. The decline in fertility begins to accelerate after 35. Advanced maternal age is a common reason for vasectomy reversal failure. Therefore, female partners age >35 years old should consider an evaluation to determine if they have adequate fertility before a vasectomy reversal is undertaken.


This evaluation panel of fertility usually includes

  • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels at a menstrual cycle day 3.
  • Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels.
  • Assessment of menstrual regularity.
  • Hysterosalpingogram

2. Up to 60% of men with vasectomies develop antisperm antibodies in their body, which may impair fertility. Antisperm antibodies are usually assessed >6-12 months after the vasectomy reversal if no pregnancy has ensued.

3. A man may have abnormal sperm quality even before the vasectomy, especially in men without prior paternity. This could be a reason for pregnancy failure.

4. A number of men fail who have been placed on testosterone replacement before vasectomy reversal procedure, and they continue to use it afterwards. Testosterone is a very effective form of male birth control, effectively stopping sperm production.

5. If an epididymal blowout has occurred in both sides of vas deferens before the vasovasostomy procedure, the vasectomy reversal will likely fail. In this case, an epididymovasostomy would need to be performed.

6. Not only is epididymis a “storage site” or, but also is where sperm mature. In certain patients, their epididymis is adversely affected after the vas deferens has been blocked for a long time. In these patients, sperm counts may be normal, but sperm functions (movement and penetration ability) may be poor after vasectomy reversal. Most patients will gradually recover from epididymal dysfunction.

7. Sometimes, scar tissue develops at the site of anastomosis, causing a blockage and late failure. It may be treated with anti-inflammatory medication or could consider repeating vasectomy reversal procedure.

Varicose Vein Symptoms|Minnesota

Varicose veins are relatively easy to identify and can be a cosmetic nuisance for many people in Minnesota. The common symptoms list in the following

• No symptoms in some people with mainly a cosmetic problem.
• Protrude or bulge from under the skin and feel ropey
• Leg aching and heaviness in the standing
• Leg cramping at night
• Leg skin itching with discoloration
• Leg skin firmness
• Blood clots without the inflammation
• Tenderness with local swelling
• Leg ulceration and infection
• Developing painful superficial thrombophlebitis, which is a blood clot along with inflammation of a superficial segment of vein.
• Worse in the afternoon or long standing
• Worse during menstruation or pregnancy

Superficial thrombophlebitis is not to be confused with a deep vein thrombosis, which is a blood clot in a deep vein. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is more serious because of the clot’s potential to travel toward the heart and lodge in the lung (pulmonary embolism). This condition requires emergent admission to the hospital for treatment with blood thinning medications.

Some symptoms of varicose veins can be relieved or prevented by wearing the compression stocking every day. If you are clinically diagnosed to have the varicose veins, the next step is to have the duplex ultrasound exam do a complete vein evaluation. The definitive treatment of varicose veins in Minneapolis and St Paul includes endovenous laser ablation (EVLA), sclerotherapy, and phlebectomy.

Why is Colonoscopy so Important in Minnesota?

According to reports from the National Cancer Institute, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the US. 1 in 17 people in Minnesota will develop colorectal cancer. Deaths from colorectal cancer rank third after lung and prostate cancer for men and third after lung and breast cancer for women.

Research shows that regular colon cancer screening saves lives. Colonoscopy is one of the most effective exams for preventing colorectal cancer or for early diagnosis. Researchers reported in The New England Journal of Medicine last year that the death rate from colorectal cancer was cut by 53 percent in those who had the colonoscopy exam and whose doctors removed precancerous growths, known as adenomatous polyps.

Removing precancerous polyps can help prevent the development of colorectal cancer since colon cancers usually develop from adenomatous polyps. Just like any cancer, the earlier it is found, the easier it is treated.

Although more people in the Minneapolis and St Paul areas have regular colonoscopy screening exams, many qualified people in Minnesota haven’t had any colonoscopy tests yet. One Stop Medical Center offers convenient and affordable colonoscopy in its Edina office. Our patient friendly formula makes bowel preparation much easier.

Non-Surgical Varicose Vein Therapy


Venous disease is one of the most common medical conditions affecting millions of people. About half the U.S. population has venous diseases, with about 25% of all women and 15% of all men having significant varicose veins. The traditional treatment for varicose veins was surgical stripping and ligation, a surgical solution many patients found painful and long recovery time. One Stop Procedure Clinic is offering a far simpler, minimally invasive treatment calleqd Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA).

Using today’s most advanced medical laser technology, EVLA makes varicose veins vanish without the disadvantages of older treatments. It’s a fast, effective office procedure that involves minimal discomfort and site effects. This new laser treatment is perfect for today’s busy lifestyle. The patients can go back to work next days after the EVLA treatment.

EVLA is a no surgery, no general anesthesia, no hospitalization, and no scars procedure to eliminate the varicose veins. The treatment lasts less than an hour. The treatment is 93%-98% effective.

Now we can provide one stop vein care in combination with EVLA, sclerotherapy, and mini phlebectomy.

Summary of EVLA include:


  • Performed in a doctor’s office
  • Done under local anesthesia
  • Use the laser energy to seal the varicose vein
  • No surgery, no general anesthesia, and no hospitalization
  • No pre-treatment preparation
  • Patients can resume normal activity after the treatment
  • No post-treatment scarring, possible minor soreness or bruising
  • 93-98% effective

Meet Dr. Shu

Dr. Steven Shu

Dr.Steven Shu, MD, MBA, is a board certified laser surgeon who specializes in office procedures. He provides a wide range of procedural services above and beyond typical medicine and does about 2000 office procedures every year. Dr. Shu developed all new protocols and standards for the office procedures, thereby distinguishing himself as a specialized surgeon with a vast amount of experience in the office based procedures and surgeries.

After graduating in 1984 from the distinguished Shanghai Medical University, Dr. Shu completed his surgical residency and worked as a surgical attending physician until arriving in the United States in 1991. After completing a surgical internship at Flushing Hospital in New York, he followed with office procedure orientated residency training at Michigan State University from 1996 to 2000. He obtained his Physician E-MBA from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in 2005.

Dr.Shu is board-certified through the American Board of Laser Surgery and the American Board of Family Practice. He is the member of the following professional organizations.

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
  • American College of Phlebology
  • American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
  • International Society of Cosmetogyncology
  • American Medical Association
  • American Academy of Family Practice
  • American Association of Primary Care Endoscopists
  • Minnesota Medical Association

On top of his clinical work, Dr. Shu is an Assistant Professor of Medical School at the University of Minnesota and on the medical staff at Southdale Hospital, North Memorial Hospital, and Fairview Medical Center, teaching office procedures to resident physicians weekly.

Over the last decade, Dr. Shu has consistently promoted the concept of procedure-oriented one stop care. He strongly believes in the numerous benefits of office procedures, including the low cost, convenient, efficient, one stop and high quality care.

Outside the office, Dr. Shu dedicates his time to community activism. After forming the Minnesota Chinese Physician Association (AMCP) in 2003, he led its members and community volunteers in establishing the Minnesota Chinese Health Center (MCHC), a free clinic for disadvantaged Chinese in the Twin Cities. He is also publisher of Minnesota Times, the most widely circulated Chinese newspaper in Minnesota. Moreover, he established One Stop Charity Fund in his clinic in 2010 and donates 10% of profit every year to non-profit organizations in the Chinese community.