Although venous problems are probably among the most common chronic conditions in the Minnesota, ulcers are not common. Venous stasis ulcers are the end- stage of venous insufficiency. The region most commonly affected is the area just above the medial side of ankle (medial malleolus). Venous insufficiency develops when the valves malfunction within the veins occurs, and blood flows back down the lower extremity that leads to elevated pressures within the veins and capillaries. These “dammed-back” capillaries undergo changes , which further diminish nutrient exchange in the surrounding tissues.
Venous ulcers present with areas of poorly healing skin wounds, red-based or exudative, with local skin necrosis and irregular borders. Frequently the surrounding tissue has other signs of venous insufficiency, such as hyperpigmentation, pitting edema, and excess scar formation. Without proper treatment, venous stasis ulcers can take many months to heal.
The mainstay of treatment for Venous stasis ulcers in the Minneapolis & St Paul areas is compression with Unna’s boots. Unna’s boots are left in place for 7-10 days and then changed weekly. Debridement is important part of wound care. Debridement of necrotic debris should be provided to encourage growth of granulation tissue. Antibiotics are seldom useful in the treatment of venous stasis ulcers unless signs of infection are present.
The underlying cause of venous stasis ulceration is venous stasis. Using modern technolgoies and minimal invasive techniques such as endovenous laser ablation, sclerotherapy and mini phlebectomy the breaking down of skin tissue can be corrected. By correcting the increased pressure in the superficial venous system with the ablation, the vein specialist in One Stop Medical Center not only can help to heal the venous stasis ulcer, but can prevent chronic recurrence.