Have Embarrassing Nail Fungus in Minneapolis Area? Come to Shu Procedure Clinic for Treatment!

Nail fungus can cause nails to become cracked, brittle and dry. The nail can become discolored with a yellow, brown or black coloring. Fungus of the nails is embarrassing, but that should not stop someone from being treated for it. Oftentimes, fungus can collect under the nail and you might notice a bad odor.

Many people try to self-diagnose nail fungus, but seeing a professional like Dr. Shu in Minneapolis at Shu Procedure Clinic for nail fungus treatment in is important. There are doctors available who treat nail fungus in Minneapolis, as well as doctors who treat nail fungus in St. Paul area. The doctor will inspect the nail, and if they feel there is an infection with fungus, tests are performed. The tests will show which fungus is present allowing the physician to treat it properly.

Oral medications are prescribed by your doctor, which are taken for approximately 12 weeks. Often, a patient who has nail fungus is also given a prescription of polish that is applied to the nail that is infected for approximately 50 weeks. Your physician will decide which prescriptions will work best for you.

There are also over-the-counter medications that are often used, but the effectiveness of those is not yet proven. You could end up spending too much time, effort and money on something that will not work in the long run, and in the end, you will end up calling your physician anyway.

There are also home remedies that can be tried as well. These vary all the way from Listerine to vinegar. Some people say they work wonders, and some do not have any positive results from these. Some of the remedies may work for one person, but not the next. Trying some of these is up to you.

One of the steps taken to prevent nail fungus is keeping the feet and hands dry. Fungus can get into your body through tiny openings or cuts near the nail. Always wear sandals or shoes around swimming pools, lockers or restrooms to avoid getting a fungal infection from someone else infected. Dry your feet often, because fungi is attracted to moist, wet areas as well as dark places. If you are someone who is susceptible to fungal infections, change your socks on a daily basis.

What Can Be Done About Nail Fungus in St. Paul / Minneapolis?

Nail fungus is a fungal infection that develops in the fingernails or toenails. Nail fungus is an extremely common problem. However, the fact that this problem is so prevalent does not make it any less embarrassing.

Nail fungus is typically caused by dermatophytes. However, molds and yeast can also cause fungal infections. Furthermore, there are a number of things that can make a person more susceptible to developing fungal infections.

A moist environment encourages the growth of fungus. That is why people who perspire heavily are at an increased risk for developing fungus. Fungus can easily be spread in public places, such as restrooms and swimming pools. Furthermore, fungal infections are common in people who have other health conditions, such as psoriasis, diabetes and circulation problems.

Thickened nails are one of the symptoms of nail fungus. A person who has nail fungus may also notice that his or her nails are brittle. Additionally, infected nails can potentially separate from the nail bed.

If you suspect that you have nail fungus, then you should get it treated as soon as possible. This problem will only continue to get worse. That is why you should not let the embarrassment stop you from getting the treatment that you need. You have the option of getting a 10 minute laser treatment that can clear up the fungus.

This laser treatment is safe and has been shown to be very effective. In fact, 87 percent of patients who get the laser treatment notice a major improvement. The effective rate for laser treatment is much higher than the effective rate for oral medication. Furthermore, laser treatment does not have any major risks.

Learn More About Nail Fungus and Treatment Options in the Minneapolis Area at Shu Procedure Clinic

Nail fungus is a common toenail problem and a humiliating physical defect. People who are exposed to hazardous chemicals or extreme conditions may develop these problems. These problems could point to deep, underlying health issues. Sufferers tend to avoid social and intimate situations until they find the right solutions. Procedure Clinic has nail fungus Minneapolis medical professionals who are qualified to recommend the best solutions.

There is a process that all infected nails go through. First, the nail grows thicker and changes color. As the infected area worsens, the nail becomes more fragile and parts break off, or in extreme cases, the whole nail falls off. If the problem is not solved, pain and inflammation sets in. The toe looks more unattractive once scales and patches form.

Dermatophytids are lesions that develop because of fungal infections in other areas. The lesions are usually allergic responses. In any case, if the right Nail Fungus MN professional is not found quickly, the appearance of the skin and nails only worsens.

Common causes, apart from disease, include heavy perspiration or excessive moisture, extreme temperatures, chemical exposure, athlete’s foot, trauma, poor blood circulation and weakened immunity to infection. To diagnose the problem effectively, lab tests can be made. Treatment is problematic if the infection is deeply rooted and hard to access. For some people, removing all of the symptoms is a slow process that takes up to one year.

Nail fungus could cause extreme pain and serious damage. If left untreated for months, more severe infections occur, especially if severe medical conditions are involved. People with cancer, diabetes or AIDS have the greatest difficulties in eradicating the problem. Diabetics have various impairments that lead to easy infections and complications.

It is possible to wear open-toed shoes or lie in bed without feeling embarrassed that someone could walk into the room and gawk. More importantly, people with medical conditions should maintain the health of their hands or feet. Regardless of how unsightly the nail becomes, it is necessary to see a nail fungus St. Paul expert as soon as possible.

Nail Care and Infections

The nails serve as a protective sheath over the fingers and toes, and keeping them healthy begins with basic nutrition and a caring for overall health. Problems with toe and finger nails can be caused by several conditions, many of which can be prevented with proper nail care. Some problems are indicative of medical conditions, such as diabetes, malnutrition, and chronic organ diseases. These can include changes in the growth rate and discoloration. If these changes appear or persist with proper nail care, it is worthwhile to see a doctor about exploring possible underlying problems.

Preventing Common Problems
The pain of ingrown nails and unsightly appearance of nail fungus are the most common problems people experience. Both can be dealt with through cautious hygiene and basic nail care. The best treatment for any condition is always prevention, and ingrown nails can be prevented by trimming nails regularly, wearing comfortable shoes, and protecting the feet and hands from trauma.

Nail fungus can also be prevented, though it does require more diligence. Washing the feet regularly and keeping nails trimmed is the most important step. This will allow for early detection and treatment in case of fungal infection. Fungus prefers warm and damp conditions for growth, so every effort should be made to keep feet dry. Changing socks or hosiery more than once a day, wearing breathable shoes, and avoiding tight socks and hosiery will all help keep the feet dry. Minimizing exposure to fungal pathogens in public places, by wearing shower shoes for instance, and disinfecting nail care instruments will reduce risk of infection.

Treating Ingrown or Infected Nails
There are products available to treat ingrown nails at home, but any sign of infection should be seen by a doctor. Some medical conditions, such as diabetes or circulatory disorders, make it important to see a doctor before the risk of infection. First aid should consist of soaking in warm salt water followed by application of antiseptic and bandage.

Fungal infections can be extremely persistent. Though there are at-home treatments, many doctors now use laser treatment, which is proven safe and effective.