The patients in Minneapolis and St Paul areas always wonder how Easy™ vasectomy is performed without a scalpel.
No-scalpel vasectomy instruments were developed by Dr.Li Shungiang, in China in the mid-70’s and introduced into the United States in 1989. The refined techniques of no-scalpel vasectomy that minimize trauma, pain and complications. The introduction of no-scalpel vasectomy has successfully allayed many men’s fears with regard to the scalpel.
Dr. Shu uses two important No-scalpel vasectomy instruments to perform the procedure. A very pointy hemostat is used in three steps.
- First used to make an initial tiny opening into anesthetized skin by puncturing, then skin is spread to 0.5cm opening.
- Then used to spread all layers (the vas sheath) down to the vas tube.
- Finally, used to spread adherent tissue and blood vessels away from the vas under direct vision
A ring clamp is used to initially grab the vas and secure it during the procedure.
Dr. Shu uses 3 steps to insure complete vas occlusion: he cuts the vas deferens and destroys the lining of the tube on upper end with cautery (scarring it) and places small titanium clips in the vas fascia to separate the opened ends of vas deferens. The lower end keeps open without cauterization (open-ended technique). The vas deferens are then placed back into the scrotum in its normal anatomic position.