Nail fungus in Minnesota is a very common problem. Nail fungus, which is also referred to as onychomyosis, can cause the nails to darken in color. The fungus can also cause the nails to develop a foul smell. Even though nail fungus in the Minnespolis and St. Paul areas is very common, many people are embarrassed to seek treatment. However, if you have nail fungus, then you will need to get it treated as soon as possible.
If this condition is not treated, then the fungal infection can spread to the other nails. It can also spread to your skin. Furthermore, if the fungal infection is on your toenails, then you may begin to have trouble putting on your shoes and walking due to nail deformity.
The good news is that there is laser treatment available to treat nail fungus. Laser treatment can be completed in 10 minutes. It does not cause any pain. There have been clinical studies done to confirm that laser treatment is about 87 percent effective at clearing up nail fungus. Furthermore, because laser treatment does not require the use of drugs, there are no long-term side effects associated with it. If you are interested in getting nail fungus laser treatment in Minnesota, then you should contact our providers.
There are several things that you can do to avoid getting nail fungus in the future. After you wash your feet, you need to make sure that you dry them off thoroughly. Fungus infections can very easily spread in public places, so you should not walk around in any public place without wearing shoes. You will also need to change your socks once a day. Furthermore, you should wear shoes that fit properly.