Skin Surgeries

Vasectomy | Reversal | Hemorrhoid Care | Adult Hydrocele | Adult Circumcision | Skin Surgery | Cysts | Lipoma | Nail | Varicose Veins
Skin Lesions | Shaving Excision | Fusiform Excision | Skin Cancer | Skin Cancer Excision | Plastic Flap | Excisional Bx | Fine Needle Bx | Incisional Bx | Punch Bx | Shaving Bx

Simple surgical excision is the most common method used to treat skin cancers. The procedure involves surgically removing the cancerous lesion with certain margin (amount of normal skin surrounding it). Typically, most skin cancer excision requires 2-4mm margin. Removing the margin maximizes the chance that all the cancerous cells will be removed.

The fusiform excision technique is commonly used by surgeons for removing small skin cancers. A properly designed fusiform excision has a length-to-width ratio of 3 to 1 and produces a 30-degree angulation at both edges of the wound.

The skin cancers on the face, large skin cancers or malignant melanomas may require the excision with plastic flap closure. The common plastic flaps include advancement flaps, rotation flaps rhomboid flaps and V to Y flaps.

Mohs surgery, also known as Mohs micrographic surgery is a special surgical technique for the removal of skin cancer. Mohs surgery differs from other skin cancer surgery in that the surgeon also serves as the pathologist allowing for immediate and, most importantly, complete microscopic evaluation of removed cancer. This technique is commonly used in removing the skin cancer closer to eyelids, nostrils, lips, and ears. The method employed to examine the tissue allows for better elimination of cancer roots.

Before surgery

After surgery

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